We are providing quality service since 2011
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  • contact@avace.com
  • +88 1245 124
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55 Washington St. Floor 5 Brooklyn, NY 11201


Inspection Services

We are a very young and dynamic company having pan India branches. MLS Inspection is committed to providing professional inspection and quality technology services to the clients and excel to improve the market shares and lower inspection costs of the clients.

Quality Assurance

MLS is a Dynamic Quality Team comprised of experts in various technical and professional fields. We offer our accredited third-party quality assurance services, including testing, inspection and certification services, based on internationally recognized standards.

Inspection Certification

We are ready to serve all your requirements in India with high reliable and accuracy.And we apply the inspection services with HIGHEST STANDARDS & REGARDING ETHICS POLICY , QUALITY , HEALTH & SAFETY PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT.

Commodities We Handle

Minerals Lab's team of professionals offer industry specific, technical expertise.
Be it testing or inspection techniques for metals and minerals, coal and coke, mainly minerals, quality or quantity assessment, we can use our expertise and experience.